Online Exam Module

Our system has got Online Exam Module whereby the teacher is able to create an exam to be written instantly or later also assign attempts for the exam, date and time of the exam, start to end time duration of the exam.

Only active students on the system are legible to attempt the exam. Shows summery of status questions like attempted, unattempt questions and unvisited questions. Get instant exam result and status records. Publish results and solutions for the exam. Add solutions or information prior to the asked questions so as to help students to knoe the correct solution.


Saves Paper: Taking exams online also helps you save the environment. There will be no use of paper or ink. No need to print questions and give students handouts, or the answer sheet. Directly take exams online through mobile phones or laptops.

Easy Scheduling: With an Online examination module system, scheduling of exams is made easy anywhere anytime. Even the person who is not familiar with this can schedule exams so easily.

Accuracy in Results: As all the answers are already marked in the software, so there is no need to mark them again manually. As the result is calculated automatically through the system only, the rate of accuracy increases.